Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Rescue

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Rescue
419 Adopted!

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Rescue

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Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Rescue Information: The Swiss Mountain Dog is a sturdy, heavy breed. Swiss Mountain Dogs are exceptionally gentle and loyal, with a cheerful disposition. Swiss Mountain Dogs make wonderful family pets. Swiss Mountain Dogs get along well with family members, strangers, and other animals if they are properly socialized. Swiss Mountain Dogs respond very well to high level obedience training. Swiss Mountain Dogs behave like rambunctious puppies for a longer time than other dogs before mellowing out as adults. Swiss Mountain Dogs need plenty of exercise and long walks.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Trivia: Swiss Mountain Dogs are so loyal to their first masters that they have a hard time if they get a new owner after they are eighteen months old. Swiss Mountain Dogs are depicted in eighteenth century paintings. Swiss Mountain Dogs were probably first used as herding dogs in the mountains of Switzerland. Swiss Mountain Dogs like to lean on people and sit on their feet. Swiss Mountain Dogs like to pull children in wagons.